Monday, December 10, 2012

The Last Two Weeks

December 3, 2012
Man, i have not sang this much since high school!  So, this week was a crazy one.  First off, how are you family and friends?  How is school or work or your families?  Excited for the Christmas season, or as for the folks in Washington; dreading another winter storm?  I hope all goes well.  22 more days family!  SKYPE!  Hahahaha
Okay, so let's start with this week.  We've been singing.  Around the island.  And it. Is. Awesome.  I have never felt the Spirit so strong in music before in my life.  We, a group of elders and sisters, went to Caguas and to 2 wards in Ponce.  So Friday we arrived, warmed up, and preformed for the stake Christmas activity.  Everything was going well, until we had an announcement to move the kids out of the front row.  Like, during the middle of the concert.  It was announced twice.  That was a huge game changer.  There were some problems (not a lot of details now, this is for a mission story once i am home).  We finished, and had some really, really good food.  They decided to do a culture of foods from different Latin American countries.  And hot dogs from America. :)
 But we then sang in Ajuntas, and I want to share this experience.  This chapel is in the middle of Campo, and it is beautiful.  I walked into the place and was completely overcome by the Spirit.  It was beautiful.  Evidence to me that P.R. will have a temple one day.  But we got to sing our performance for this ward, and we sang the song "O Holy Night" in Spanish.  We have a sister missionary out here who sings it, and she brings the Spirit so strong.  It's crazy how words can be sung daily, but the difference can truly be the personal understanding of the words.  As in the difference of how many lives can be impacted.
This part here is what I included in my letter to President, I hope you enjoy.

"This week, we received some crazy blessings.  So this Saturday we began our fast.  I asked the Lord to please lead us to the elect, or put them in our path.  That night, we returned to the chapel to find a man waiting outside.  We talked for a bit and I asked him how we could help.  He said he wants to see our chapel.  We took him on a tour, and then we arrived at the baptismal font.  He was looking at two pictures, one of a man getting baptized, and another of receiving the Holy Ghost.  We opened the doors to the font and his eyes got wide.  He said it was beautiful and he wished he was baptized here.  We then just felt the Spirit so strong, and we invited him on the spot to be baptized.  He accepted.  I said, "How do you feel?"  He said, "Paz."  I said, "Would you like to feel this forever?"  He said, "No doubt."  Later on he asked us, "How can I be baptized in your church, when I was already baptized there?"  Before the words left my mouth, he took my hand and said, "I am going to talk to the pastor of the church, because I have my own agency, and tell him that this is the correct church and that this is the path God needs me on."  And he left.  I just started to cry and thank the Lord in my heart for that beautiful experience.  I know the Lord is watching over us.  Say hello to your family for me."

I love you all.  Thank you for your support.  Please, I ask you, to continue thinking about what more you can do for someone else throughout your days.
Remember who you are,
Elder Stout

December 10, 2012
Man, my voice is fried.
Haha okay, so this week was fun!  We had the great chance to sing, and sing, and sing and sing and sing.  It was impressive!  I am so tired haha.  Physically i am drained!  We really haven't had much time working in our area, but we have had some great spiritual talks and, on top of that, chances to grow.  I just have to say, mom and dad, I am happy for the way you raised me.  I am happy for the fun times and difficulties we have had.  You shaped me to who I am.  And I really am this guy because of you two.  Thank you very much.  Not much to say, though.  I have to say, it's always great to talk to Elder Udall, to help us both relax in our daily lives here hahaha.  He is a great guy (the one who I served with on the islands).
Really, not that intense of a week. but work was done.
Remember who you are,

Elder Stout

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Elder Stout, you are not that good looking. Two week catch-up.

Nov. 19: AGAIN, I have no time!  We are preparing to go island hopping soon to sing, then we'll sing all around PR.  Hopefully I will record it for you, so I can send it home.  Golly, I love you all.  Thank you all for the letters and packages, I appreciate you Manorwood ward.  Always in my heart!!!!!
Elder Stout
Remember who you are 

Nov. 26: Yeah, that was how my week started!  This Monday, we were practicing singing for the choir tours we're going on!  That was fun, then we had an interview with President.  That's when I freaked out!  I didn't shave that day.  You all know I can grow a beard in 12 hours if I am lucky.  My shirt was a typical P-Day shirt.  I got ripped a new one.  So that's why I needed some money mom!  I got new suit pants, a new haircut.  Medicine for my health.  Shaving cream and soap and other things.  It has made a huge difference in my life and in the spirit so far.  I can feel it, big time.  This week was rather difficult though!  It's upsetting how fast these weeks are going by!  Let me jump to Thanksgiving.  Woke up, and we realized we had 5 dinner appointments.  First one, we had ribs.  I guess Puerto Ricans don't like turkey.  I don't really blame them.  The white meat is too dry. :)  But at every house, I told them of the time Symone ate that whole plate of turkey and grew out her baby bump.  So we had ribs, turkey turkey turkey and turkey.  It was so good, but so much food.  Huge waste on my progress!  I am trying to get to 190 pounds by June.  I am 230 right now.  I didn't help the cause last week, but oh well.:)  So on Sunday, we got to go to Toabaja to sing over there!  I have the sweet chance to sing a duet with Hna. Wilson!  She is from Idaho, and can sing like no other!  I just try to help her sound even better with how bad I sing!  Hahaha it's scary up there, but the spirit is felt so strong.  And what a blessing that the baptism we had in Toabaja a year ago, the family is all still active!  That was so awesome to see that blessing, I was beaming!  Thing is, we had to sing in 2 chapels that day.  So we had to boogey to Arecibo, which was an hour away in 30 minutes.  I had 8 missionaries and the President's wife and daughter in the car..........................  We got there, thank you.  President didn't seem too happy, I understand why.  But the spirit was felt.  Then we sang at a funeral that night.  Lots of singing this week and a lot of the spirit being felt.  I loved it!  We might be going to the island to sing, I hope I get to!  But we will find out soon!  Man, that week is going to be awesome!  After transfers, I am STILL in Trujillo Alto with Elder Raymundo!  We're about to do some work out here to prepare all the new greenies to enter!  Man, I love you all.  Hope your weeks went awesome!  Keep going.  If you feel you need to rest, don't.
:)  Remember who you are!
Elder Stout

Monday, November 12, 2012


Man, first transfer is almost down!  There are some many things I want to say this week, but I feel I cannot, just to be more sacred with what has happened.  I can tell you this.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been restored at this time, for the Lord's purpose.  I am beyond blessed to have the Priesthood, and the company of the Holy Ghost.  And I am so excited for this wonderful gift of the Atonement that has been offered to us all.  Those who do not understand the word "Atonement," ask a missionary!  Or a member of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Or look it up.  But it's better to ask, just saying!  Hahaha I pray all is well, though, with everyone!  This week, my bike fell off while on the free way (yeah, funny story).  I got bite by a huge, huge spider (that was so scary), and I got to see Bishop Swenson and ate some of the best ribs I have ever had.  Street food is the best food, just not for your body!  Hahahahaha

Really quite week, just know you are all in my thoughts.

Remember who you are!

Elder Stout

Monday, November 5, 2012


Oh man, you wanna talk about a spiritual week?  Talk about this one hahahahaha.  This week was very quick, not too happy about that, but hey hey hey...  I am on the back end now. :(  This I am not happy to announce.  I know for a good reason this has to happen, but I really do not want to leave the mission, ever.  Like, if I could serve the mission with my wife, kids, and good sustainable money, I could do it the rest of my life.  Anywho, shout out quickly to everyone that is deciding to go on a mission.  Go now.  That is not a lie, but truly a plea from the bottom of my heart.  If you have a desire or even a thought to serve, go talk to your bishop, get your life in order, get the papers going, and get out here as soon as you can.  We can not delay.  As Elder Jeffery R. Holland stated in conference of April 2012, "Do not delay, it's getting late."  I simply am inviting you all, who are reading this letter, if you have ever had desires or thoughts of the mission, I invite you to pursue it. 

Okay, this week.  Man, I feel like I was just writing an email like 2 days ago.  We had a stellar week.  Wednesday on Halloween, we had the chance to work until 6.  My companion, Elder Raymundo, is from Guatemala.  He has never been trick or treating.  So, on the last house before our meeting that night, we walked up to a house.  I said, "Look, just say trick or treat and you get candy."  He said, "No, you lie."  Man, I walked right up to that house and got like 3 candy bars.  His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas.  We then had a meeting for 3 hours!  I had to give the opening prayer, and I felt an impression to ask for forgiveness for our murmuring.  It was much needed.  It was all in all a great meeting.  Then next day, we had an opportunity to have President Gibson, 1st counselor from the Young Men's Presidency, come and speak to our mission.  I got a call at 4:30 in the morning. " Elder Stout."  "Yes?" I reply.  "You need to be in the office in an hour, you're singing a special musical number.  "Okay."  Hahahaha talk about an early morning.  And my suit... Let's just say it's looking a lot better after a good talking to.  President Gibson talk was really focused on the Priesthood, especially the Aaronic Priesthood and our duties.  Man, he tore it apart.  It was amazing.  He shared with us something I want to share with you all.  He said that the old presiding bishop,Bishop H. David Burton, when set apart was told his keys were to be dormant  Yet as we have a new bishop, he was set apart and was told that his keys are not dormant!   It's time.   Friday, we had zone council and we learned the importance of the new missionaries coming in.  I am so excited but nervous!  We should be getting about 80 new missionaries by next February!  How crazy is that, huh?  It's going to be awesome.  Our area this week was fairly long.  We had a family named the family Santiago.  This whole time for 2 months we have been focusing on her husband, but now the wife is interested.  She told us this week she was going to bed, but felt she needed to pray.  She prayed about the Book of Mormon and felt the Spirit tell her it was true!  That was so awesome to hear!  She was getting ready for church when, like 30 minutes before church, her boss told her she had to be at work or she would get fired.  She went to work, but promised she would come next time.  That is so awesome. 

I hope your weeks were as great!  Shout out to Laura Rutherford, I got a friend here that said he would like to write you, be a friend.  Said he's going to Boise State after the mission............. just a thought, Laura! :) Hahahaha

Remember who you are!
-- Elder Stout

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oh man, this week.

So in my time home, I had one perfect day.  I will never forget it, I will always treasure it, and I pray there will be more days like that one in the future.  I distinctly remember that before this day, and its events began, I was stuck in a traffic jam.  The highway was closed for construction and I was not paying attention, focusing on the GPS to get me to Woodinville.  Lo and behold, I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours. 

This week was a traffic jam.  A nice, long one with Puerto Rican's honking their horns and not moving for you to pass.  The AC was broken down, and you're sitting there, sweating.  We had an investigator lesson on Tuesday.  It was awesome.  He was crying, I was crying, the member was crying.  He accepted to be baptized on the 4 of November.  We called him the next day, asking if he read and prayed to Heavenly Father to know the truth of this message, and he said no, and that we need to respect his opinions.  I didn't mean to offend him, I said, and as he continued, my heart broke a little.  We passed by our investigator's house for church.  "Jose," I asked "Ready to go?"  He told us no.  He remembered that he was supposed to go, but he didn't want to. I broke down crying.  As Jeffery R. Holland said,"We should be devastated when our investigators are not fulfilling their promises."  I never felt that before, but I just cried.  I know the blessings of this Gospel and I hurt when one does not want to accept. 

Now, back to the traffic jam I had in Washington.  I remember sitting there, smiling and jamming to music. I was thinking about how awesome of a day I had ahead of me, to see King Tut, to spend time with my friend Becca Folsom.  I was just jamming.  My companion and I decided to have that mentality.  Yes, this work is hard and yes, sometimes it's often something that some might think is unbearable, but all is possible through the Lord.  By not dwelling on the past, we found 3 new families, one a less-active part-member family that wants to return.  We had the chance to help, through the Holy Ghost, invite 2 people back to church to renew there covenants with the Lord.  One has not been to church in years.  How beautiful it was to see them there on Sunday.  To top it off, on Sunday we invited a family to be baptized.  They accepted, and I was shocked.  The Lord's hands are over this world, and since I have returned, I truly feel as if he is walking all over Puerto Rico.  Thank you all for your love and support. I pray for you daily, and I ask humbly that you can pray for me also.

Remember who you are,

Elder Stout

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

THE WEEK OF THE HOSPITAL (or playing Doctor Stout)

What's up, everyone!  I hope you have enjoyed these last couple letters and will continue with this.  I am not as good at writing as I am at talking, so please forgive me!  Haha
Okay, first off.  On Tuesday, we had a meeting in the mission office for all the district leaders and zone leaders and trainers to receive some more instructions.  What a spirit was felt, I truly felt like Superman.  Like, "Alright, next family we find, baptized!"  Hahaha but, okay, we were leaving the meeting, and I am asked to take an Elder to the hospital.  In Puerto Rico, it can take about 8 hours to just get seen for one thing.  So, we try to avoid trips to the hospital.  Turns out, I am the only other Elder to have a car in the metro area of San Juan.  The others are the assistants.  So, off we went.  We were at the hospital this whole week until Saturday for about 4 to 7 hours everyday for this Elder.  Turns out he has two hernias, a completely torn ligament in his right knee, and honestly, some stinky breath (only Malcolm would say that... jeeze.).  I pray he will be alright, but hey, the doctors have all the results.  So then we were finally able to work, and we went to one appointment and sang hymns with kids in the street for an hour.   I gave them my hymn book and I said, "You guys can sing better then me."  We passed by two days later, and all the kids were still singing hahahah.  It was awesome.  We then went to a Caserio, or the ghetto of our area, and I was challenged to play basketball.  Hahaha that was a blast.  I got the nickname Kobe, so I can't complain. :) 
This Saturday, we had the chance to teach a man named Javier.  I call him Bane because he is huge.  We are teaching him, and the whole time I was just thinking, "Man, come on.  We gotta find other people."  Instantly, I told my mind, "No. he is more important."  In that moment, he started to talk about his mom dying and wondering where she is now.  I know that if I did not humble myself and focus fully on him, we could have missed maybe the only opportunity to teach him the Gospel.  Then Sunday, we are at church and this guy was sitting in one of the aisles.  We got to talking, and he said he is an investigator.  I asked him what got him interested.  He said he was at the Catholic church across the street, and asked someone where the Mormon one was.  They said across the street and he just got up and came on over!!!!!!!  Hahaha I was like, "Well hello."  Hopefully we can help him continue to understand, he seems so awesome.  Well, that was this week.  Hopefully we will have more adventures this coming week! 

Remember Who You Are

Elder Stout

Monday, October 15, 2012

The past two weeks...

October 8, 2012:
Hellofamily! Iamsoappreciativeofyouremails  And my space bar doesn't work!  hahahahah Anywho, talk about a great week.  I am staying in Truillo Alto this transfer with Elder Reymundo.  What a great Elder.  I am seriously so blessed by his example to me.  First, yes I have the glasses.  I also need some pants I left there,  a water bag hahaha forgot that, but I brought a testimony which is the most important thing.  Man, it's great to wake up everyday to the Spirit everywhere.  So many times we are teaching and to be able to feel the Savior's love is amazing.  I am here helping 6 sisters  work in the area of San Juan.  President says I need to learn how to love!!!!!!! Hahahahaha.  I loved General Conference this week, it blew my mind.  The announcement the Prophet made made me start to cry.  God needs this church to grow, and He needs us now more then ever.  I challenge you to look for those chances everyday.  Okay, about the area.  We have found........ 22 new families!  Hahahah crazy, huh?  Man, this mission is growing.  To feel the Lord's hand over me daily is a miracle.  I am so sorry, not a lot of time.  I will be writing you letters soon.  By the way, I need stamps, envelopes, and some drink powders.  The water here makes me kinda poppy (Um... I think he meant poopy... Hahaha)!  Love you all so much, thank you for your righteous examples!!!!!!!!

Remember Who You Are

Elder Stout

October 15, 2012:
Hello Family!  Goodness, talk about one amazing week.  I will begin by saying I love you.  I really do.  So this week, um... First off, let's start with last Monday night.  I fell asleep walking.  Like, I was so tired from all the work we've been doing, that we were contacting and I just fell hahahaha.  We've been biking about 18 miles a day.  Hopefully I'll look good in a year.  I had a weird experience, my Comp told me that he has never felt the Spirit while on the mission.  Hopefully I can be an example to him.  It's very scary.  We had to cast out a demon this week.  We gave a sister a blessing and were getting ready to bless her house, and all these doors just slammed shut.  I almost peed myself.  I was like, "It's okay, it's the Lord's spirit doing His work," but a great experience:) That same night, we were in the middle of a gang shooting.  Oh welcome back to Puerto Rico.
 Gall, I love it here.  I am so happy for the Spirit of love I have now.  These people are so ready to grow, it's time to help them all along.  Kinda struggling with the language and getting to work, but it will come if I keep working.  I pray all is well at home.  Continue on your paths.  Family, thanks for all the support you continue to show me!  Please pray for the family of Gerson.  It's a family of 5.  We are teaching them, preparing them for baptism so hopefully we keep it going!!!!!!!
Love you all so much,
Elder Stout

Remember who you are 

Monday, October 1, 2012


Well, yes one week down! Let's see what's happened. I got off the plane in Philly not knowing where I was. I slept the whole way hahahaha! The flight to Puerto Rico was scary, there was a thunderstorm over the ocean so it was a bit bumpy but glad we landed. I waited for 30 minutes until my ride got there, and it was President himself. We had a great conversation and interview and I am so glad to be back! Got to bed at 12:30 and woke up at 5. Boy, has the mission changed. We had a meeting the next day with the whole mission, so it was very humbling to see and receive so many hugs and hellos. I am so blessed to have this many people who consider me a friend. I hope to not disappoint them. My new comp is Elder Reymundo from Guatemala. Very short guy and very awesome. Reminds me so much of Estevan! Hahaha but we are serving in Truillo Alto, yes Mom. Home. Everyone has started it again, but with my new Spanish it's easier to explain. I am so blessed to be your son and know that I represent not just the Church and the Lord, but truly my family and all I learned as a child. Hard to do, but with the Lord's help, all is possible. Our area is ready to grow, and I am so glad the Lord trusts me with this chance to serve again here. Thank you for the money, mom. I had no money this whole week, still do not have a email address and I am also not living in a house. So it's a great challenge but I am so glad to be back. This address, would be best for people to write me on for now. Also the same mailing address to the mission which is on Facebook. Thank you all for your love and support, see you all in November!!!!!

Remember who you are,
Elder Stout

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 24, 2012

Elder Stout will be back out on his mission tomorrow!!  Whoo hoo!!