Wednesday, October 24, 2012

THE WEEK OF THE HOSPITAL (or playing Doctor Stout)

What's up, everyone!  I hope you have enjoyed these last couple letters and will continue with this.  I am not as good at writing as I am at talking, so please forgive me!  Haha
Okay, first off.  On Tuesday, we had a meeting in the mission office for all the district leaders and zone leaders and trainers to receive some more instructions.  What a spirit was felt, I truly felt like Superman.  Like, "Alright, next family we find, baptized!"  Hahaha but, okay, we were leaving the meeting, and I am asked to take an Elder to the hospital.  In Puerto Rico, it can take about 8 hours to just get seen for one thing.  So, we try to avoid trips to the hospital.  Turns out, I am the only other Elder to have a car in the metro area of San Juan.  The others are the assistants.  So, off we went.  We were at the hospital this whole week until Saturday for about 4 to 7 hours everyday for this Elder.  Turns out he has two hernias, a completely torn ligament in his right knee, and honestly, some stinky breath (only Malcolm would say that... jeeze.).  I pray he will be alright, but hey, the doctors have all the results.  So then we were finally able to work, and we went to one appointment and sang hymns with kids in the street for an hour.   I gave them my hymn book and I said, "You guys can sing better then me."  We passed by two days later, and all the kids were still singing hahahah.  It was awesome.  We then went to a Caserio, or the ghetto of our area, and I was challenged to play basketball.  Hahaha that was a blast.  I got the nickname Kobe, so I can't complain. :) 
This Saturday, we had the chance to teach a man named Javier.  I call him Bane because he is huge.  We are teaching him, and the whole time I was just thinking, "Man, come on.  We gotta find other people."  Instantly, I told my mind, "No. he is more important."  In that moment, he started to talk about his mom dying and wondering where she is now.  I know that if I did not humble myself and focus fully on him, we could have missed maybe the only opportunity to teach him the Gospel.  Then Sunday, we are at church and this guy was sitting in one of the aisles.  We got to talking, and he said he is an investigator.  I asked him what got him interested.  He said he was at the Catholic church across the street, and asked someone where the Mormon one was.  They said across the street and he just got up and came on over!!!!!!!  Hahaha I was like, "Well hello."  Hopefully we can help him continue to understand, he seems so awesome.  Well, that was this week.  Hopefully we will have more adventures this coming week! 

Remember Who You Are

Elder Stout

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