Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Much love for Puerto Rico! :]

MAN.  So if you don't already know, I love Puerto Rico.  One thing I love about it is how cheap everyone here is.  I was walking down the street, and I saw this cologne I wanted to buy.  It costs 50 dollars.  Go across the street, buy it for 2 dollars.  Same smell, but a different name.  Love it.  I bought like 3, so I should be set now for the rest of my mission and beyond.  Yes, the work of the Lord is still going forth here on Caguas.  On average, since we are in the mountains, it gets up to 89 to 93 degrees during the day and 81 at night. It is freezing cold at night around here now, I can't stand it.  I don't even want to know what Washington feels like now.  So for all who read this, I hope it is sufficent enough.  If there is anything specific you want to know, just let me know :) Oh man, we had service yesterday, painting a women's shelter.  It was a way amazing experience.  But I met some elder named Elder Fogging, who knows The Tollestrups.  He is a way cool elder. Honestly nothing super big happened this week, but I know that something big will happen soon......... and once it does....... it comes right.... here .......... on.................................. THE BLOG!!!!!!!
Elder Stout

Remember who you are 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week of Honesty

So, here is the situation.  Last Saturday, I was with President Alvorado all day.  Had a test on my heart in Hato Rey.  Right now, I am in Caguas, if you did not know, and Hato Rey is about 30 minutes away.  So, after the appointment, we headed straight out to San Sabatian to get my eyes checked.  Yes everyone, I wear glasses now 24/7.  It's so funny how I totally got screwed over.  I hear the Cardinals made it to the World Series........ tight....... TYLER THAT IS SO TIGHT ON YOUR CALL!!!!!  I am so proud of you.  I need to give a shout out to Wendy Stitch.  I don't have your address, that is why I can't write you.  So give me your address please!
Ok, so Thursday comes around.  Nothing big is going on, you know, same with Friday.  Saturday we go on a split so i can check on how the other Elders in the district are doing.  We are contacting a letter (A what?  Don't understand...-Symone) with Elder Duclos ( harry potter) and she is all like, what the heck is that?  I look behind me and there is a cow in the middle of the road.   Golly, these Puerto Ricans, man.  Okay, so Sunday roles around, nothing too crazy happens.  But I had another episode with my comp.  It's getting really difficult.  So we called President to talk to him about a question, then he tells President all these things he doesn't like about me that I never knew.!  That's why it's week of honesty, cause then the real me came out.  And after words, I felt bad, but hey man you know, keep it real.  I am going to baptize this cool guy tonight, his name is Randy!  He is 15 and is 6 foot 4.  This should be fun........... Oh mom, I mailed the pictures home to you so you can see them all, I hope you like them.  Man, PR is hot.  I am not the biggest fan of this blog cause I really don't have all that much time to write, but here ........ you........... go ...............................
Oh yeah...
Remember who you are:)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

HE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!



First off, I love and miss you all.

Got transfered to Caguas, as a district leader.  So weird, I don't feel I should have this title, but I will keep going.  I got the same comp, Elder Geronimo.  He has changed amazingly.  But I know it is the Holy Ghost that has changed him, and not me.

DUDE, i love a baday. ( i dont know if thats how you spell it) [it is spelled bidet haha] Man, toilet paper is a thing in the past now.

I haven't changed clothes for the past 3 days. (Ladies, don't think less.  I am a man of hygiene.)

Okay, pedo para la obra.  We had 2 baptismal dates last week before we got transfered.  I hope they were able to fulfill.   I am down now to 230 man, not good.!!!!!!!   I feel so fat, it's a joke.  I love, too, with how brown I have gotten, I tell people I am from Arroyo.  It's perfectly marvillas.   All we are doing in the house now is singing "For longer then forever" from The Swan Princess.

SO in the house we have 7 americans and one dominican.  And actually, one is good friends with Diego.  His name is Elder Griffen from Utah.  It's way tight that we are comps.

Had a doctor's interview with president.  Looks like we both got medical problems.  Keep president Alvorado in your prayers, please.  Man I miss you all, but please know I love you all.
Conference was amazing!!!!!!!!
Priesthood Session, Elder Holland ripped a new one.  Man, is he a beast or what?!
I loved all the talks, but one that stood out to me was from a 70, who talked about revelation, and God knows all.  Such an awesome thing to understand that the Lord loves all and knows all equally.
Elder Stout
Remember who you are