Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One More Transfer

Well hello, one more transfer.  I am now a trainer haha.  My new comp is Elder Geronimo from the Dominican Republic.  He does not know a thing in English.  It's crazy.  President bore his testimony about me yesterday.  He said from the moment he met me, he knew I was a leader from and of God, and that's why I was called as district leader and now trainer.  It's very humbling to think of, I just need to keep my head straight.  I would love cookies.  All types of cookies.  And if you could also send ho-hos, that would be awesome.  I haven't been able to sleep lately.  The work is going great, the area we are in is full of caserios (the projects), but it will improve.  Had my first baptism from the family that I found with my first trainer, Elder Vicil.  Their names are Lilian and Jason.  I was so happy to be a part of such a wonderful experience.  Jason wants to become a missionary!  And Elder Anderson of the 70 gave me a hug and said thank you for your efforts.  All in all, it was a pretty crazy week!  Ian, I hope you get better bud, I am sorry that happened.  I hope your arm isn't messed up for your whole life.  I miss you all like crazy.  I should be writing a hand written letter soon to send home.  Miss you all like crazy.

Remember who you are 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Happy Birthday, Symone, hope it was one well worth it.

Okay, so a lot has happened these past 3 weeks.

We had a seventy come and lead our zone conference, Elder Wilford Anderson.  President asked me to bear my testimony at the last minute, I was so nervous.  But a testimony is your own belief, so then my fears left me.  I have a new companion, and I'm living in a house of Dominicans.  I get so mad, man, cause the house is never clean, and other things.  But I got to cowboy up.  But all is well here.  Man, I love this gospel, the Holy Ghost is so strong.  I know this church is the only true church.  I know that Thomas Monson is our prophet here in these times to lead and guide us. 

God bless all.

Remember who you are